Research Interests

  • Enterprise Security:- Threat Detection, Threat Intelligence, Anomaly Detection, Malware Detection and MITRE
  • Artificial Intelligence:- Machine Learning for Security Applications, Deep Learning, Data Analytics
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security
  • Cyber Physical Systems Security
  • Blockchain Technologies
  • Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Embedded Systems (incl. Smart Cities, and Public Sensing).
  • Quality of Information (QoI)
  • Research Projects

  • NTU-CRPO: CyberSG R&D Programme Office (CRPO)
  • NTU-SPIRIT: Centre for Smart Platform Infrastructure Research on Integrative Technology (SPIRIT)
  • NUS-Singtel: NUS-Singtel Cyber Security Research and Development Laboratory
  • ReSILIoT: Research & Security Innovation Lab for Internet of Things
  • Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT - Seed Grant: Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT while Ensuring the Preservation of Data Privacy
  • AIADS: Advanced-Intelligent Anomaly Detection System
  • DFG GKMM: Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments
  • DEWSnet: Dependable Embedded Wireless Sensor NETworks
  • FP7 INSPIRE: INcreasing Security and Protection through Infrastructure REsilience
  • FP7 COMIFIN: Communication Middleware for Monitoring Financial CI
  • Recent Research 24-25

  • " LLMs for Binary Malware Detection ".

  • " General Multi-Channel Convolutional Residual Network Traffic Classification Approach Based on Traffic Behavior Representation ".

  • " HABIT: A Holistic Framework for Detecting Anomalous Behavior of IoT Services ".

  • " Detection and Investigation of Advanced Persistent Threats Through Abated and Optimized Threat Only Prudent Provenance Analysis ".

  • " ZeroData: Data Augmentation for Network Anomaly Detection Through a JointGAN ".

  • " Malware Detection through Lightweight Multi-Feature Based Lenient Hybrid Approach ".

  • " Compact and Versatile Threat Profiling by Embedding Provenance Graph ".

  • " Malicious Email Attachment Detection ".

  • " A Comprehensive Threat Inspection Mechanism for Threat Make Ready ".

  • " A Novel Behavior Based Authentication Compromise Detection Approach ".

  • " Advanced Persistent Threat Correlation, Prediction, Attribution, and CVE Mapping ".

  • " A Generalized Framework for Anomaly Detection Through Gradient Boosting Ensemble of Diverse Autoencoders ".

  • " An Eminently Advanced Hybrid Approach for Holistic Advanced Persistent Threat Detection and Defense ".

  • News

  • "TPC: Urb-IoT 2019 - 4th EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space", 2019
  • "Speaker: Shake-Ups in the Emerging IoT Security Landscape", IoT Asia, 2019
  • "Speaker: Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT while Ensuring the Preservation of Data Privacy", Technology Talk, Cyber Security Consortium, NUS, 2019
  • "Speaker: Let the Cat out of the Bag: Exposing Internet of Things", Cyber Security Consortium, NUS, 2018
  • "Speaker: Security Testbed For Internet of Things", Cyber Security Workshop, SUTD, 2018
  • "TPC: International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)", 2018
  • "Speaker: Probe into Internet of Things", Cyber Risk Symposium, OCBC, 2018
  • "Speaker: Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Singapore Autonomous Vehicles Collaboration, Sentosa, 2017
  • "Speaker: EURAXESS – Voice of the Researchers' ", EURAXESS, Belgium, 2014
  • "Speaker: Trading Transport Timeliness and Reliability for Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks", GKmM Workshop, Obenwald, 2011
  • "Speaker: Mobility Assisted Adaptive Sampling for Delay Tolerant Networks in Rescue Scenario", GKmM 2010
  • "Tutor: TinyOS: Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks", Block Course, 2010
  • "Speaker: Quality of Information in Wireless Sensor Networks", Dagstuhl 2010
  • Demos

  • "Lightweight Decentralized Access Control for Internet of Things", SUTD, 2019
  • "Advanced Intelligent Comprehensive Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Cyber Security Workshop, SUTD, 2018
  • "Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Singapore Autonomous Vehicles Collaboration, Sentosa, 2017
  • "Automated Penetration Testing", SUTD, 2016
  • "Automated Internet of Things Security Testbed", SUTD, 2016
  • "Fast Indoor Radio-Map Building for RSSI-based Localization Systems", at the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Kassel, Germany, June 2012.
  • "Mobility Assisted Adaptive Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks", at the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Kassel, Germany, June 2010.
  • "Indoor Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks", at the GKmM 2009.
  • Teaching

  • Lecture "Operating Systems" (WS'11-12)
  • Seminar "Dependable/Secure Mobile Computing" (SS'11)
  • Lecture "Operating Systems" (WS'10-11)
  • Seminar "Dependable/Secure Mobile Computing" (WS'10-11)
  • Lecture "Operating Systems II - Dependability and Trust" (SS'10)
  • Seminar "Reliable/Secure Wireless Sensor Cooperation" (SS'10)
  • Seminar "Embedded Mobile Computing" (WS'09-10)
  • Seminar "Embedded Mobile Computing" (SS'09)
  • External Activities


  • Program Committe Chair: Summer School on Cooperation of Robots and Sensor Networks, July 22-27, 2012, Ebernburg, Germany.
  • Session Chair: GKmM Workshop 2011.
  • Session Chair: Summer School on Cooperative Monitoring in Robot and Sensor Networks, August 2010, Blacksburg, USA.
  • Program Committe Chair: Summer School on Cooperative Monitoring in Robot and Sensor Networks, August 2010, Blacksburg, USA.
  • Session Chair: Dagstuhl Workshop 2010.
  • Session Chair: Dagstuhl Workshop 2009.
  • Honors and Awards

  • " A complete full time scholarship for pursuing Masters (Univ. of Trento- Sponsered by Italian Gov. and ArsLogica Srl)"
  • " Recipient of Rajyapurskar (State Award) for National Cadet Corps and Scouts"
  • " First Industry Award, SUTD. In recognition of the exceptional research."
  • Memberships

  • IEEE, ACM, IEEE Computer Society